- How can I manage the return of a supplier part (defective or not) and its credit note from blgCloud ?
- How can a time be completely or partially allocated to a work order from blgCloud ?
- How can I change the preview of my quotes/Proforma/Order/Invoice from blgCloud ?
- How can I create a credit note on a workforce and distribute it in internal transfer in a work order from Blgcloud?
- How can I create a sales document with material in stock available on another base from blgCloud ?
- How can I create payment deadlines in my sales document ?
- How can I create rules for my customer outstanding amount from blgCloud ?
- How can I transfer an item sold inter-base or inter-company (billing between two entities/companies) in a sales document from blgCloud ?
- How do I change a material linked to a work order from blgCloud ?
- How do I create a credit note on a customer feedback in blgCloud ?
- How do I create a new task (estimated time) on a work order from blgCloud ?
- How do I create a quick sale from blgCloud ?
- How do I create a sales document with a non-stock material article, purchase order and down-payment invoice from blgcloud ?
- How do I create a work order in internal transfer (not billable to customer) from blgCloud ?
- How do I create a Workshop work order from blgCloud ?
- How do I manage the supplier's warranties from blgCloud ?
- How do I set eco-contribution on sales from blgCloud ?
- How do I switch an article to an internal transfer position from blgCloud ?
- How to add an article in internal transfer of new or second-hand equipment preparation on a sales document of type material from blgCloud ?
- How to add predefined text in a sales document from blgCloud (for preparations) ?
- How to Create a Quick Sale / Counter Sale in Blgcloud
- How to create a work order in “quote” status from blgCloud ?
- How to declare the "customer billable" time of the technician on the work order from blgCloud?
- How to declare “non billable” time linked to an internal transfer position on a work order from blgCloud ?
- How to define an unavailability from a work order for an equipment in rental park from blgCloud ?
- How to enter time in the Schedule from blgCloud ?
- How to manage your Manufacturer / Supplier Warranty RO with warranty tracking from blgCloud ?
- How to withdraw a time already declared on a work order from blgCloud ?
- The different functionalities linked to the BEPCO supplier from blgCloud