Several topics will be covered in this tutorial :
- How to enter time on a WO/RO ?
- How to enter time via user input ?
Associated configuration :
- How to create a task template
- How to create a matching for the task template in order to automate it
The time entry evolves in order to standardize this entry from the WO or from the user input.
Several entry modes are available depending on the organization of my company : I can declare my time associated with a WO after the intervention via the sales document, via the schedule in the entry by user, or even via mobile by clicking on start at the beginning of my intervention so that the entry is automatic.
How to enter time on a RO/WO ?
My time will always be associated with a Task. This Task has been created and assigned to me by the dispatcher or the workshop manager, or added by itself if a matching has been defined beforehand.
In the sales document, I have 2 options for reporting time :
Click on the “Entry” button opposite the Task :
Or even click on the line of the Task, then click on “Enter time” :
I can enter the time spent on the Task concerned :
- Date and time of intervention
- Technician (my account will be automatically informed if I am a technician)
- Type of time (working hours, Sunday / holidays...)
- Invoiced article (automatically filled in if the Task Template has been configured)
- Internal transfer position (automatically filled in of the Task Template has been configured)
- Comments
The three buttons at the bottom allow you to specify the status of the Task : blocked task (I am waiting for a part to be ordered, for example), the possibility of pausing it (if I haven’t finished) or even finishing it.
How to enter time via the user entry ?
This same window and these functionalities are also available in the menu Entry by user of the Schedule.
You can access to this view via a shortcut from the WO :
I arrive in a summary view of the day, associated with my name and my team. I select the time slot worked with my mouse :
The input window appears and allows me to fill in all the necessary information.
I can thus search in the “Document” for the number of the RO on which I have just worked :
How to create a task model ?
The task template is created from the Sales module and then Task template (bottom left in the Configuration sub-menu).
The “+” will allow you to Create a new task template :
This window will allow me to define my task with :
- Type of task : Standard or Fixed rate, you will get on more field to complete if you choose Fixed rate (Internal transfer article)
- Title : The title of the task
- Estimated time: number of hours you estimed the task will be done
- Invoiced article : article automatically invoiced when adding the task (creation possible from the menu)
- Invoiced quantity: multiplication of the invoiced article x the time
- Internal transfer type : If necessary, especially for fixed price tasks in order to analyze the time really spent by the technician and to analyze the profitability
- Internal transfer line only: Yes or no
- Models concerned : which models are concerned by this task (can be created from the menu)
- For global transfer only: Yes or No
- Link commun task: This is used when you add to the creation of a RO a model of task (because of the matching), if you have others models tasks linked , the system will add it also.
Example: you have a model of task A that is linked to a model of task B, if the matching returns that it is necessary to create the A then we will create A and B - Is added with: another model task to add
- Requires a signature (mobile application) : Yes or no
- Active : The task is Yes or No active
- Tags: You can add tag here
When you save your new task, it will appear with a new reference and in this form :
It will thus be possible to see all the information about the task at first glance.
Warning, the possibility of creating task templates is subject to a specific access right.
How to create a matching for the task model in order to automate its application ?
Be careful, the possibility to create matchings is subject to a specific access right, as Administrator.
In Administration/Matching (left menu under “System”) you will have the possibility to automate the application rules of the tasks models by clicking on Task model on sale :
In order to create a new matching, click on the “+” :
You will thus be able to name and configure the new automation rule according to your needs :
- Name the matching
- Match the task model you just created
- The Type (standard or move)
- Active
- In Choose a value you can determine in which circumstances your rule should be applied according to the type of technician, on which type of intervention, at which customer(s)…