Your technician gives you his time sheet of the day before, you can now declare his time spent.
Position yourself on the concerned work order then click on “entry” :
You are now on the “time entry per user” interface, select the company if other than yours by default, the team if other Workshop team than yours, then the concerned technician. Also, position yourself on the date of the day to declare :
For this example, the technician intervened on the work order N° 0445 from 10:00 to 12:15.
Position yourself on the time slot corresponding to 10:00, fill in the N° 0445 then click on the work order displayed (to help you identify the work order, you have the title, the HT price as well as its date of creation) :
The task (title + estimated time) of the work order has been displayed, click on “save”.
Note that if your work order doesn’t have a task then you won’t be able to declare time, you will have to go back to it to create a new one.
Declare the time on the “hour” fields, the total time will be transferred in “time to invoice” meaning 2,25h, enter the labor. If the intervention is closed click on the state “completed”. Enter a comment (either on the work requested/carried or on the work to be planned/reported). When everything is in order click on “validate” :
Click on the link of your work order to go back on it.
On your work order, the task is completed, the reported time and the technician’s name have been incremented and your “labor” article has also been incremented in the articles.
Don’t forget to generate a “stock removal” logistic form in order to authorize its invoicing (green cart).
Note that you can click on the labor quantity to modify it if necessary :
You have declared your technician’s time, all the parts have been removed from stock, your work order status has changed to “completed” status.
If everything is in order then change the status to “to invoice” for immediate invoicing or end of month invoicing.
Click on the “closed” state then “advance manually”, and finally “to invoice” :