You have to go on a material which is under manufacturer or supplier warranty, you will have to declare this intervention, three cases will arise :
Situation 1 : Total coverage by the manufacturer / supplier
Situation 2 : Partial coverage by the manufacturer / supplier and partial coverage by the customer or you, dealer in internal transfer,
Situation 3 : Partial coverage by the manufacturer / supplier - partial coverage by the customer and partial coverage by you, dealer in internal transfer (tripartite situation).
Whatever the situation here are the steps to follow :
Step 1 : RO creation in intervention nature : supplier warranty
Step 2 : Management of parts to be incremented, to transferred, purchased and declaration of their removal of stock via one or more DN
Step 3 : Declaration of the intervention time of the technician(s) (from schedule / user input)
On your Warranty RO, the coverage state is “not requested”, the total coverage and the supplier coverage % are visible :
At any time you can follow the follow-up of your warranty requests from the “sales” module and then “warranty follow-up”. Several filters will enable you to target a supplier, a period, its state, a range, a brand, a base… :
Step 4 : Declare your coverage request to your manufacturer / supplier, either from their website or by email (send by email).
He will give you a “WR” number (warranty request).
Note that only the Warranty manager (right to assign to the user from “administration”) will be able to make his situation evolve.
Click on “change” to make the status of your RO evolve :
Pass on state in “requested”, in pending, fill in the concerned supplier, its WR number (warranty request) as well as its date, click on “save” :
Step 5 : You get the answer from your manufacturer / supplier, click on “change” in order to make your Warranty RO evolve :
For example, your supplier partially supports your request, 50% on parts and 100% on labor, click on “save” :
On the warranty RO, the state is in “received” status, the WR number is present, the supplier coverage has been calculated.
Step 6 : Establish the coverage situation between your manufacturer / supplier, your customer and yourself.
In this example the manufacturer/supplier coverage is partial, the remaining part is either to your customer charge or to your charge, or to the customer and yourself.
If the rest is to the customer charge, click on “preview”, at the bottom of the sales document, blgCloud displays the total work, the total supplier coverage and the total remaining to the customer’s charge. Back to the RO and click on “generate a document” then on invoice to establish the customer invoice.
If the rest is not to your customer expense but yours, then click on modify the information :
Select your internal transfer position and then click on “save” :
Your RO warranty is now in internal transfer, your total internal transfer is displayed as the total coverage manufacturer/supplier :
Step 7: Generate your manufacturer/supplier credit note invoice when you receive it.
On the warranty RO click on “generate a document” then on “supplier coverage credit”, note that only the user having the right “supplier coverage credit” (from administration) can trigger it :
On the supplier sales credit creation window, fill in the invoice number, the invoice date, the accounting entry date.
If the amount corresponds to that of the manufacturer/supplier credit note, click on “save”.
If the amount does not match, then modify on the quantity or the amount of the coverage or even on “define the total amount” then click on “save” :
On your warranty RO, the status is “invoiced” and your supplier credit invoice has been incremented :
On the warranty follow-up, your credit is present. If the customer invoice is not visible it’s because you didn’t generate because you have decided to cover the balance due :
Note that you can export (if you have the right to export as a user) your warranties in order to review with your teams and/or manufacturers / suppliers :