On your work order, you must declare time that won’t be invoiced to the customer. This time called “non billable” will have to be linked to an internal transfer position.
In this example, we have already declared 2.25h of billable customer and we are going to declare 1 hour as non billable.
Warning, if you wish to declare time again, either your task is still in “in progress” status, or completed. If it is completed you have to click on “simplified task”, modify the designation if necessary then enter the estimated time of at least 0.25 i.e. 15 minutes and then “enter” :
Your new task has been incremented then click on “entry” :
You are now on the “time entry per user” interface, select the company if other than yours by default, the team if other Workshop team than yours then the technician concerned. Also select the date of the day to declare :
For this example the technician worked on the work order N°0445 from 12:15 pm to 1:00 pm, i.e. 0.75 (45 minutes) of time to declare :
Position yourself on the time slot corresponding to 12:15, enter the N°0445. The new forecast 1-hour "hose change" task is displayed, select it and click on "save" :
Declare the time in the “hour” fields, the total time will be transferred in time to invoice, i.e. 0.75h, enter the labor and the internal transfer position. If the intervention is closed click on the “completed” state.
Enter a comment (either on requested/performed work or to be planned/postponed work). When everything is in order click on “validate” :
On your work order, the new task is completed, the declared time and the technician’s name have been incremented, your labor article has also been incremented in the articles in internal transfer (the gray cart shows that the labor nature is not subject to a stock removal because without stock management). You also identify the cost of your unbilled time spent :
On your work order, click on “preview”, your unbilled time displays to €00,00 HT for your customer. As an option, you also can choose not to display the time linked to an internal transfer position :