If you need to create a work order linked to an internal transfer position then all its items (parts and labor) will be in purchase/transfer price. This work order won’t be “billable” to customers but will be used to define your internal costs.
Go to the company’s CRM file (sometimes yours when you work on one of your vehicles or company equipments) or the particular contact’s file, click on the “service” icon and then on “create a work order” :
On the work order creation window, fill in the fields :
- Ordering party
- Type of intervention : intervention at the workshop or outside (indicate address)
- Enter the equipment you are going to work on (possible to create it if not present in your blgCloud database), select the nature of intervention,
- Link the equipment concerned by the intervention,
- On the state field, click on “open”,
- Also enter the estimated time in the “task” block (task = estimated time + labor),
- Enter the internal transfer position and then click on “new sales document”.
Warning, the fields marked with an * are mandatory fields to be filled in in order to validate its creation :
Your work order is linked to the internal transfer position selected when creating it.
All items (parts and labor) you increment will be linked to this internal transfer position. The HT total of this work order will be in Purchase price/Transfer Price :
If, however,you have not selected the correct internal transfer position you can change it from “modify information” then change your transfer position from the “transfer position” field :