You need to return a part to your supplier because it is defective or does not fit the customer’s equpment or even has been delivered by error.
Step 1 : Create a sales document of type “Parts” :
Your ordering party being your supplier (a small “part return” tag would enable you to immediately identify the sales involved by a supplier part return) :
Step 2 : Increment the part involved on your sales document
- If your part is still in your stock then declare its stock removal by a DN (delivery note),
- If your part is no longer in your stock because you have generated a customer credit note without its return to stock then don’t generate a stock removal.
Your sales document is in “order to invoice” status, its stock removal DN has been incremented.
Since your document won’t be invoiced “customer” then change the status to “completed order”. The store/declaration section is now completed.
From your sale, click on “preview” then change the template, select “Parts Return” (template you are going to have from administration / settings of document created). If your supplier doesn’t have a website to declare your request, then send by email :
Step 3 : Creation of the “supplier support” credit note by your “Accounting” department when receiving the supplier credit note :
Go to the “Sales” module then the “Tag” filter and select “return part”, which will make it easier for you to find it.
From the sales document in “Order completed” status, click on “unlock” then on “unlock for me” to be able to work on it :
Click on “generate a document” then on “credit supplier support” :
On the supplier support credit note creation window, enter the supplier invoice number, its dates, terms and conditions. If the amount has evolved, modify from the “total support” field then click on “save” :
Your supplier credit note has been incremented in the document, it is in “invoiced” status, the process is completed :