There are three ways to create a sales document :
Either from the CRM module : click on the “create” button then “sales document” :
Or from the company, click on “create an equipment sale” :
Or from the the Sales module, click on the "+" button for any sales:
Select from the “type of document” field, the “material” type and then fill in the fields, the ordering party being your customer (company or private individual).
The “state” notion allows you to identify if there is creation of a quote or directly a customer order.
Warning, the fields marked with an * are mandatory fields to be filled in in order to validate its creation :
First, create the article for the materiel, click on Create an article:
Then choose the model and click on Next:
Now you can see the article add in the configurator
You can see also your article in the standard view if you click on "Standard"
Your sales document is in “quote” status and ready to be sent by email to your customer for validation, click on “preview” :
Click on “send by email”, when sending the quote, this one will be historized on the quote.
Note that for this example, the ordering party is in Belgium, the reason why the VAT is at 0%:
Your customer has validated the quote, click on "Quote" and change the status to “Quotation validated" :
Before making the equipment purchase order without stock, proceed with the down-payment invoice by clicking on “generate a document” then “down-payment invoice” :
On the down-payment invoice creation window, indicate the payment methods and terms, by default the down-payment is 30% (you can modify its %), on this example the tax is 0% because the ordering party is outside France, click on “validate” :
On the customer down-payment invoice, you can add a payment (often in the case of a check payment, cash, credit card).
Your down-payment invoice is in “paid” status, click on “print receipt” if your customer requires this format or click on “preview” in order to print or transmit it by email :
Receipt version :
A4 printing version or email :
Your down-payment invoice being generated and integrated into the sales document, its status has changed to "open order".
Proceed to the non-stock equipment purchase order (indication in red “not available" ) :
Click on "Source" :
Opening of the purchase order, indicate the desired delivery date on your base then click on “new purchase order".
You can use another order or choose a new one :
You will get this window to show you the purchase order.
Click on Purchase order in orange
if you close it , you will see it also in menu Source :
When you click on the purchase order, you will be on it :
You can do delivery note with the status "To be delivered", like this you will be able to bill and delivered later :
Note that some articles in material management don’t have a serial number because they are not motorized, in that case, leave the serial number blank and click on "save".
Go back to the sale order in progress, the purchase order is in “delivered” status and the equipment availability “received” in green, click on “generate a document” then “logistic form” in order to declare the stock removal :
On the ”stock removal” new logistic form window click on “delivered” status then “save”.
Note that this step transfers the material file to your customer's fleet :
On the equipment transfer window, set the state to “new” then click on “finish”.
The DN stock removal has been incremented on the “order in progress” which has just been changed to “order to invoice” status, click on “generate document” then “invoice” :
On the customer invoice creation, specify payment methods and terms, then click on “save”.
Note that, in this example, blg indicates that a down-payment invoice is already registered and proposes by default to deduct it from the remaining amount due :
Indicate one or more payment methods, then click on "Save" :
Your customer invoice is paid, you can either print out a receipt by clicking on “print receipt” or “preview” to print it or send it by email :