If you wish, the payment deadlines will be added on your document, and therefore inform your customer.
- How can I create payment deadlines on my sales document ?
- How can I preview this information in my quote ?
- How can I use matchings to automate this information ?
1. How can I create payment deadlines on my sales document ?
They are visible from your sales document in the top right-hand corner, by unfolding the Actual Margin arrow as shown below :
Click on Edit to access the set-up of your deadlines :
This window appears, click on Add steps :
Therefore, if you want to add two deadlines, for example 30% and 70%, you can do so here.
Fill in the fields below :
- Payer : it will be automatically taken from you order
- Type of value : You have three possibilities in this menu : Percentage, Fixed value and Remaining value.
- Payment method : Choose a payment method
- Payment term : Choose a payment term
- Special title : The title you wish to add, for example “on delivery”. This field is not mandatory
Then you click on Save.
Here is an example when the information are filled in :
When you have added other steps, you will get a list of your deadlines as below :
To finish, click on Save.
If your order includes products, the calculation will be done automatically :
2. How can I preview this information in my quote ?
To preview your quote and see the schedules, click on the option in the left-hand preview menu as below :
You will get this informations on your document :
3. How can I use matchings to automate this information ?
If you want to automate this functionality, you will have to use the matching rules.
First step : Create the payment schedules.
Go to the Administration module > payment schedules (left menu) :
Click on the “+” to add a rule :
- Title : Title of your shcedule
- Simulated date of sale :This field allows you to test the schedule with different values, but it is not saved.
- Amount of sale simulated : This field allows you to test the schedule with different values, but it is not saved.
Click on Add a step :
At this place it is exactly the same steps we created in the sales document at the beginning of this tutorial, except that here we configure it so that they are automatically added afterwards, you fill in the fields and add your steps :
Your click on Save to finalize.
Once saved, your rule will look like the screenshot below :
Second step : Create the matching
Go to the Administration module > matching (left-hand menu).
On the right you have all the list of rules, to easily find the one we are interested in, you can start typing : “p” therefore payment deadline will appear as shown below :
Click on payment schedule, then click on the “+” to add a rule :
Then, it all depends on what you want to create as a rule; if you want this schedule to always be for the same customer, for example :
- Title : Title of your rule
- Payment schedule : we find in this menu the schedule(s) created in the first step
Active : Yes if you want the rule to be active
The rest is up to you, depending on what you want to do, here we added Partner (invoiced company) in order to force on this partner by adding the REF filter (CRM file number).
Click on Save.