You are about to officially buy back your customer's equipment for accounting purposes.
The purchase order has been generated from a sale (sale of new equipment - equipment recovery).
The "recovery form" logistic form has also been generated, and the equipment has left your customer's fleet (still the owner) to join your Used (second-hand) equipment fleet.
Last step, create the supplier invoice linked to an equipment purchase order.
Position yourself on the purchase order for the equipment in "delivered" status from the sales or purchasing module.
Before generating the invoice, check that the VAT rate is correct. If you need to modify it, click on the VAT line :
In this example the VAT must be 20% :
You have selected your VAT rate, click on “save” :
After checking that your recovery purchase order is correct (with the correct VAT rate OK), click on "generate document" then "customer purchase invoice" :
On the purchase invoice creation window :
- Check payment methods and terms,
- Check the invoice in exclusive of VAT or inclusive of VAT,
- Check the material price,
- Possibility of modifying the quantity to be invoiced and its amount,
- You can also add an item line.
When everything is correct, click on "Save" to create your invoice :
Your recovery purchase invoice is created and incremented in the purchase order :
Click on your invoice to preview it and send it to your customer, who no longer owns the equipment :
Your customer purchase invoice linked to a material recovery is now complete. Return to the customer sales invoice to deduct it from the total amount excluding VAT.
Click on "Add a customer purchase invoice" :
blgCloud suggests one or more customer purchase invoices to be integrated into the customer sales invoice. Select it and click on "Save" .
On your customer sales invoice, the customer purchase invoice has been incremented, the outstanding balance has been modified, click on preview :