This type of credit note can be used when you have an invoice imported from your previous system.
- Step 1: Create a sales document to create your commercial credit note
- Step 2: Generate a commercial credit note
- Step 3: Link your credit note to an invoice
- Step 4: Generate a supplier support credit note
NB: To create a commercial credit note, your invoice must not have been paid.
Step 1 : Create a sales document to create your commercial credit note
- Click on the Sales module
- Click on Create
- Choose the ordering party, the State
- Click on New sales document
Step 2 : Generate a commercial credit note
To add the desired amount to your credit, simply add an item to your order:
You can now add the amount of your credit note to the unit price :
WARNING : The quantity must be negative.
- Click on the Generate document menu
NB : If you don't see this option, it's not active. In this case, please contact us by chat.
Fields marked with a "*" are mandatory:
- Billing
- State
- Ordering party
- Payer
- to finish Click on Save
When the credit note is saved, it appears below the order :
You will see that the amount is negative, as is the quantity :
Validate your credit note
Step 3 : Link your credit note to an invoice
Find your invoice that needs to be linked to your credit note :
- Click on Add an existing credit note
A window appears, allowing you to choose among the existing assets.
Step 4 : Generate a supplier support credit note
The principle is the same as for the Commercial Credit. It is also in the same menu.
If this help doesn't quite meet your needs, please refer to the following tutorial :
How do I create a simple or discounted credit note from blgCloud ?