Every day, you generate purchase orders, sometimes several linked to a single supplier on the same day.
Create a purchase order you will use as a basket, you can either supply it by adding an item for the stock, or an item related to a customer sale :
Go to the “purchase” module and then click on “create a purchase order” :
On your purchase order creation window, enter the delivery location (if different from your base), the supplier, the order type (if purchase order type declared on blgCloud), his nature, a title (if necessary, useful to find it from the general search engine), indicate the desired delivery date on base and then click on “new order form” :
Your shopping cart order is created.
To add an item in stock: click on the "add an item" field to increment it.
To integrate an article related to a sale, create your purchase order from your sale and your article will be incremented with your sale’s link.