Position yourself on your sales document, your article is incremented but its stock is at 0. This means that it is neither in the stock of your base, nor in the stock of any other base in your company.
You need this item, you have no choice but to buy it from your supplier. Click on "generate a document" and then "purchase order" :
On the purchase order creation window, fill in :
- the desired delivery date on base
- delivery site if different from your base,
- the order type,
- the booking for this order corresponds to your sales needs (never modify it) but if you need stock, then enter the quantity “to order for stock”.
blgCloud proposes by default to create a new purchase order but it also displays all the orders linked to the same supplier in “open” status (not communicated to your supplier).
Click on the selected current purchase order (for this example n°0257) then click on "new purchase form" :
Back on your sales document, your article is in “ordered” status, its purchase order has been incremented, enter in this one to communicate it to your supplier by email if this one doesn’t have a website :
On your purchase order, your two lines “booking for sale” and the one for stock are incremented. If you click on the order link, you will then go back directly to it.
Click on “preview” to communicate it :