In this example, the purchase is dissociated from a booking or a customer sale, it involves ordering one or more equipment (article in material management) on base and/or on another base. The article you are about to buy will be configured (price + discounts) from the purchase order on its options and sales articulation.
Step 1 : Purchase order creation
Go to the Purchase module then click on the “+” button to create a new purchase order.
Note that before creating any new purchase order, you must check if the current purchase order is linked to the article :
Choose Create a purchase order :
On the new order form window, enter your supplier, the delivery address, its nature, its title, desired delivery date.
Check : Use the new material configuration, enables you to continue your order with the new configurator, then click on New order form :
When you click on New order form, you will immediately be taken to the new configurator :
At the top right, the view : Configurator or Standard enables you to change the view, either the new configurator, or the usual display.
In order to start your new configuration, if your article is not created, click on Create an article.
Fill in the form as below with the desired information.
If the template doesn’t exist, you can directly create your template from the template field.
When your form is completed, click on “Save”.
My article is created, you can see it below :
Then you click on next at the bottom right.
Your article is added to the configurator :
The price list can be modified by clicking on it.
You can change the price and then “Save”.
Discounts :
The small dots enable you to define discounts on this line :
For example, I add a 10% discount :
Put your discount designation (name), the value and then uncheck : Add another discount if necessary, then “Save”.
NB : It is possible to check the Hidden discount under Business management, in order to hide the discount price to the salesmen.
My discount will be added on the right column :
To delete it and eventually redo it, just click on the arrow at the end of the discount :
Add a detail, allows you to add a comment under your article.
Example :
I put my comment :
Just click on Edit and Save to empty to delete the comment
Concerning the options, the sales accessories, and the transport, the “+” allows you to add what you want, you can also directly create the article if necessary :
I add my option :
my transportation, etc.
Back on the purchase order from the Standard button :
The material article has been incremented. If you click on the triangle (to the left of the reference), then all the article lines to be ordered will be displayed.
To go back to the configurator, you just have to click on Configurator (like the screenshot above).
If your purchase order has been made through your supplier's / manufacturer's web services, then manually change the “open” status to “sent” status. The “sent” status will allow your different departments to identify that your blg order has been communicated and/or entered in your supplier’s website :
If your purchase order has not been previously entered from your supplier’s/manufacturer's web services, then click on “preview” in order to send it by email, this one will change its status to "sent". Please note that if you send it by email, the purchase order will be generated in PDF format.
Step 2 : Equipment delivery on base
Note that before physical delivery to the base, you can create a logistic form “entry in stock” in “to be delivered” status on your purchase order. This enables your salesmen to see this undelivered equipment in “on order” park and to generate quotes on these equipment.
The transport informs you that the material is on your base, go to the purchase order, click on generate a document then on logistic form :
Enter the equipment serial number and then click on “new material”. If there’s no serial number on the material to be entered then click directly on “new material”.
The window of the DN (delivery note) entry in stock opens, enter the status “delivered”, then click on “save” :
Back to your purchase order, the DN entry in stock has been incremented in “delivered” status, click on the triangle (to the left of the reference) to visualize all the purchase lines, the material, and its options have been received (green pictogram “totally delivered”). Note that the “transport” article has not been delivered due to its article nature :
Your material received in stock is visible from “new park”. Go to the file, the purchase order is well attached, the purchase price and purchase date informed on the material file :