Beforehand, it’s necessary to add an Order type list.
To do this, please go to :
- the Purchasing module
- then left menu Order type
Click on the “+” button in order to open a New order type.
Fill in at least the required fields:
- Choose the Supplier
- Choose the Order type : Other, Restocking, Stock or Urgent
- Add the Title of your “New order type”
- Then Save
Besides, you can add more information or terms to your order type : Code, Comment, minimum order, Free shipping, associated Sales price (promo price or public price), Active and Order type by default.
Add discounts in 4 steps :
- Step 1: Create a Buy or Sell discount group
- Step 2: Create a discount in the Buy or Sell group created in step 1
- Step 3 : Add external categories for articles
- Step 4 : Check the discount is applied
First of all, to create discounts, you need access to the Administrator module.
- Click on the “+” button at the top right, if the Administrator module does not appear.
- Then click on the Term menu at the bottom left.
Step 1: Create a Buy or Sell discount group
When you are in the Term menu :
- Click on the “+” button to create a discount group.
- Choose the Target : Buy or Sell
- Choose the Title (we advise to put a Buy or Sell with the discount’s name or the supplier’s name).
- Choose a Start date and an End date if necessary
- Choose if this terms group must be Active or not
- Choose a Value if necessary, if your terms group will be only for : Purchase orders or Price or Company or Article otherwise leave blank.
- Click on Save
NB : The principle is the same for a Sales terms group.
Step 2: Create a discount in the Buy or Sell group created in step 1
- Click in the group you just created
- Then click on the “+” button to create your discount
In our example, we choose :
- Supplier discount
You can also make your discounts related to :
- The internal transfer
- Customized
Then click on Next :
Fill in at least the required fields :
- Add the Supplier (chosen from the order type previously created)
- Add the order type (retrieve the Order type list created)
- Add the Discount to apply
- Choose a Cascade discount if you wish
- Choose if this discount will be Active.
Moreover, it’s possible to sort on :
- The purchase order
- The price
- The company
- The article
Depending on your choice, in the example Article, you can also sort on : the Reference, the Designation, the Supplier, the Family, the Sub-family, etc.
- Click on Finish
Your first discount is created, proceed the same way if you have several discounts to add.
Step 3 : Add external categories for articles
It’s possible to add an additional term for Articles : the external categories.
From an article file, you can directly create your different categories :
- Click on Edit
The supplier will default as below :
- Click on the box next to it to open the menu and create an external category.
- Add your category, for example : AB
- Then Save
Thus, you can add multiple categories and find them in your articles discounts filter.
Step 4 : Check the discount is applied
You can check if your discount is applied, when you are on your article file, for example :
- Click on the “%” by passing the mouse to See the price calculation