First of all, please note that you need Administrator rights to set up this option.
There are two steps :
Step 1 : Determine which discount method you wish to use
Step 2 : Generate your discounts from the Invoice Module
Step 1 : Determine the discount method you wish to use
First go to the Administration module in the top right-hand corner, then click on Payment method in the bottom left-hand corner (under Accounting).
To the right of Payment method, your list of the different methods: Cash, Cheque, Credit card...
If you have decided to make cheque remittances, click on Cheque :
Set deposit accounting to Yes :
then Save.
Of course, you can do the same for other payment methods.
Step 2 : Generate your discounts from the Invoice Module
Then go to the Invoice module, then All in Payment at the bottom left.
On the right, your payments appear with an additional Discount column (on the right).
This column will allow you to see what has already been done or not.
- No for what will not be discounted
- Yes for what has been done
- Pending for discounts waiting to be made
Reference numbers with a green tick mean that they have already been counted, so it will no longer be necessary to generate discounts for these payments.
Check the discounts to make :
When the selected payments have been checked, a button appears in the top right-hand corner :
Click on it :
This window appears :
You can modify the journal, the discount date and add a comment.
Then click on Save to finalize.
This window appears in the top right-hand corner, allowing you to view, download and print the pdf.
It is always possible to retrieve this document afterwards :