Your workshop manager confirms that the material is ready for delivery after preparation. Return to the order to be prepared.
Step 1: Generate material stock removal :
Check that the preparation task has been completed (internal transfer position "new material preparation"), that all parts incremented for preparation have been removed from your stock via a "stock removal" logistics form :
Also check that the equipment you have ordered has been received on blgCloud with the mention "ordered" via an "entry in stock" logistic form.
Step 2: Generate the customer invoice :
Click on "Generate a document" and then on "Invoice" :
In the customer invoice creation window, check and/or modify the payment method and term. In this example, blgCloud suggests deducting the down-payment invoice previously generated, then click on "Save" :
On the invoice, the deposit is incremented. Click on "preview" to send it by email or print it :
On the previewed invoice, the deposit is incremented by indicating the outstanding balance :