If you need to import items into blg, here are the steps to follow :
- How do I create my csv file?
- How do I import my csv file?
- Replacement items : How do I replace my main reference with another reference ?
- What are the differences with the "Supplier tariff" import module ?
Prerequisite : the following information are mandatory to import and create items !
- Main supplier
- Main supplier reference
- Nature (level 1 classification - e.g. part)
- Family (level 2 classification - e.g. workshop consumables)
- Sub-family (level 3 classification - e.g.: batteries)
- Price list (catalog price)
It's extremely important to check that there are no duplicates in your file, based on the reference + the supplier. If the same reference is recognized as a duplicate at the time of import, the whole process will have to be restarted.
1. How do I create my csv file ?
We advise you to download one or two references first, to get the skeleton of your file (columns).
In the Article module, click on All on the left menu.
Then download a reference.
To do this, select your article, then using the button at the top right of Data export, click on Export article to CSV :
So you can already select the desired columns.
Whatever is ticked will be included in the file.
Click on Next at the bottom right :
The next screen is a preview of your file. Then click on Finish at the bottom right.
Once your file has been downloaded, you can open it and remove the uploaded reference information to add the items to be imported.
2. How do I import my csv file ?
In the Item module, then All, click on the three dots in the top right-hand corner, then click on Import an item list :
Choose the type of import required :
- Create new references : This option is for adding new items.
- Update existing references : This option is used to update items already present in blgCloud. In this case, only the reference and supplier are required in the file, as they will be used as the update key to find the "right" item.
- Create and Update : This option enables the first two options to be performed from the same file.
When your choice is selected, click on Next at the bottom right.
The first information at the very top concerns the beginning and end of your file range (see screenshot below).
In general, the beginning of the range is on the second line, as the first line of your file corresponds to the names of your columns. Just below, you'll find your file data.
Select your columns with the arrow next to "Not used", as shown below :
This step will allow you to match each column of your file with the blgCloud fields to ensure that the data goes "to the right place".
You don't have to fill in every column. Choose only what you want to add, and at least the columns you need for the import to work properly.
Click Next to proceed to the next step. If a mandatory field is missing, the system will prompt you to add the necessary information.
Once all columns have been associated, click on Finish at the bottom right to import your file.
It's advisable to test on a reference and check the result before adding a large file for practice.
3. Replacement references : How do I replace my main reference with another reference ?
Your supplier has changed its reference number and you'd like to complete this massive change ?
Here's how to proceed via import :
Export the data you wish to modify :
Open the file in Excel or equivalent :
Add a column : New main reference and complete it :
The new reference will be the main supplier's new active reference.
The main supplier reference column is very important, as it will be used to search for the existing item file (this reference will become inactive after import).
Import the file by selecting the desired import type, here Update existing references :
Add and associate the new column with "New reference" :
2 possibilities are available to make the association :
- Replaces reference
- New reference
Replaces reference will make a link "This item replaces item [other supplier reference]".
New reference will make the "new reference" the new main supplier reference, and will make inactivate the existing supplier reference (which will be the "main supplier reference" in your import).
Finalize the import by clicking on Finish.
We can see that the new main reference has been set to active and the old one to inactive :
Our new reference can be found in the general search :
The article can also be found with the old reference :
4. What are the differences with the "Supplier tariff" import module ?
Tariffs can also be imported from Articles / Supplier tariff.
This has the advantage of being able to import with a start and end date.
However, it is supplier by supplier. If your file is multi-supplier, it is therefore preferable to import the items listing.
NB: Access to tariff import is governed by user rights. If you can't access either of these buttons, you haven't been granted access rights. If this is the case, please request access from an Administrator in your company.
Importing tariffs is a way of updating your supplier's tariff. These tariffs can also be calculated dynamically via Conditions or even by EDI link.