This involves generating count lists from the PC web application, as suggested in the tutorial, which will then be completed by users via the Mobile App.
The lists must be closed on the PC web version.
Entering inventory lists
Select the "Inventory" module in the Mobile Application as shown below :
Then select the list to be concerned by the count, in this case "INVENTORY TEST" :
From this interface, you can :
- add articles not included in the count list via the "+ Add item" link.
- scan an article to position yourself on the right item for entry via the pictogram.
- enter the counted quantities.
The entry table shows :
- item reference
- supplier
- designation
- in blue, the counted quantity entered
- on the right, quantity discrepancies; (=) means that there is no discrepancy between the theoretical quantity and the quantity entered.
To proceed to the entry, select the item concerned by the count.
The entry window shown below then appears :
Enter the quantity counted in the "Quantity entered" field and select the "Ok" button.
Note that it is possible to add a locker or delete an item from the count list.
If a user wishes to modify a counted quantity already entered, the Mobile Application displays the following window :