Create your inventory in 7 steps
Step 1: Check that your items' PAMP is not at 0
Step 2: Prepare your inventory before counting
Step 3: Create your depreciation rule
Step 4: Choose your inventory type
Step 5: Close the inventory
Step 6: Calculate depreciation
Step 7: Extract your stocks after counting
New : Enter your count lists on your phone with the mobile app (Step 4)
Step 1: Check that your items' PAMP is not at 0
It is essential to check the PAMP, otherwise stock valuation may be distorted.
NB : PAMP and revaluation are updated in the item file but not in the inventory, so do this before inventory.
- Click on the Articles module, then on the left menu for Stocks states
Your stock list appears on the right (empty here).
Select then All the elements in your list
Click on the Revalue PAMP button on the right after selection
This window appears and offers you a choice
By revaluing the PAMP at purchase price, you'll be able to reset PAMPs to zero and decide whether or not to simulate this change (yes or no).
This gives you the number of Items analyzed and the Delta stock value.
NB: Le PAMP sera mis à jour en soirée.
NB: The PAMP will be updated in the evening.
In addition, it is now possible to add a PAMP if there are no prices in your inventory lists.
As you can see below, when the PAMP box is not filled, there is an Insert PAMP button.
Of course, you'll also have to wait until the next day for it to update.
Step 2: Prepare your inventory before counting
In order to prepare your inventory, we advise you to extract your stock before counting.
Step 3: Create your depreciation rule
To create your depreciation rules, go to the Items module.
- Left menu, click on Depreciation (at the very bottom)
Click on the "+" to create a new depreciation
- This new window will allow you to complete your rules using :
- Filters
- Desired depreciation values (in months and percentages).
To add a value to the Filter, click on the little arrows to pull down the menu and choose the one you want.
Then add the Depreciation values
- Click on Save to finish
Your rule is created.
Step 4: Choose your inventory typ
- Generate an inventory by count list
Generate inventory by count :
You'll find the inventory menu in the Articles module
- Then in the left menu, under Stock, click on Inventory
- Click on the "+" to create an inventory as shown below :
Then select the desired Title, Deposit and Nature :
There are 3 types of Nature :
- Complete: Annual inventory
- Regulating: Used to regulate another inventory
- Rotating: For inventories taken several times a year
Click on Save
Your inventory is created
Click on it to open it
Click on Add a count list
It is now possible to set a closing date and a counting date.
If, for example, you wish to close your inventory on 10/31, you will have to create all your lists on that day (without entering them).
So if you finish and close your inventory on 15/11, you can be sure that your inventory will still be closed on 31/10.
Movements created between 10/31 and 11/15 will be taken into account.
- Choose the Filter that will bring out the desired items.
For example, I'd like to highlight everything in the "Electricity" family, so I select "Electricity" as shown below.
Then you are asked :
- Add empty stock if modified stock is less than : Indicate the number of months desired (if you enter 0, it will not take into account stock at 0).
- Closing date: This is where you enter the inventory closing date.
then Save
- Click on the List N°1 to open it
Change the count date immediately. Once you've entered your list, you won't be able to change it afterwards.
The count date corresponds to the actual date on which you carried out the "physical" count. This date, if entered, enables the system to take into account movements (excluding inventory) made between the generation of the inventory line and the count date (even if the entry is made subsequently).
You can modify it with "edit" (to be done on each list before entry).
You can set the same date and time as the closing date.
Click on the Generate the list button
A window appears with a number of options :
The first option allows you to fill the actual quantity with the theoretical quantity by the same value if you tick "Yes", but if you answer "No" the actual quantity will remain to be filled.
The second option simply allows you to keep the quantities already filled or not.
- Click on Validate
Your item list will appear with an actual quantity column to fill in.
If you have a handheld, you can use it to import your list.
When you fill in the actual quantity, the difference is automatically displayed :
However, if you have omitted any items, you can always add them manually with "Item to list" :
When everything is complete, you can preview and export this information using the buttons at top right :
The plus button on the right allows you to preview.
The plus button on the left allows you to export :
You can choose the columns you want and export your list as a CSV file.
NB: The Update list button is only used to update your items if you've modified them.
It will regenerate your list.
If you have just added the Actual Quantity, it is not advisable to do so.
If, however, you click on Update, you'll be able to generate your list again.
Step 5: Close the inventory
There are two ways to close your inventory :
- Close the inventory completely
- Close inventory by list
Close inventory completely
Click on Close as shown below :
A confirmation is required :
Click on Close the inventory
Close inventory by list
- Click on the list you wish to close
- Click on "Close inventory" as shown below :
A confirmation is required :
You can still customize the closing date at the last minute.
Closing one of your lists will be clearly visible :
Step 6: Calculate depreciation
Now that the inventory is closed, you can calculate depreciation.
Whether you have made an inventory by count list or by locker, the procedure is the same.
- Click on Calculate depreciation
Two methods are possible: FIFO or Date of last movement.
If you choose Date of last movement, you must indicate the Date Type
Then click on Calculate depreciation
Step 7 : Extract your stocks after counting
It is advisable to perform the same extraction after counting as before counting.