Generate inventory by locker
You will find the inventory menu in the Articles module
- Then in the left menu, under Stock , click on Inventory
- Click on the "+" to create your first inventory as shown below :
- Then select the desired Title, Repository and Nature :
Your inventory is created.
There are 3 types of Nature :
- Complete : Annual inventory
- Regulating : Used to regulate another inventory
- Rotating : For inventories done several times a year
Click on Save
- Click on it to open it :
Click on Generate by locker
- In the filter, select the list you wish to retrieve.
In this example, the search is made on the Nature Parts.
Add empty stock if stock changed less than : add the number of months over which you want to make your inventory.
Automatic closing date : this is the automatic default, i.e. the inventory will be closed when the list is actually closed (when you click on it).
Customized closing date : It is also possible to close on a given date, but this must be after the inventory creation/list generation date.
Example: I'm creating my inventory, which will take place on June 30, with a view to preparing it on June 15.
I create my lists immediately and set a closing date of June 30.
On June 30, I come in to make my entries, even if I don't close on June 30 (because I forgot, or for other reasons because you wanted to wait until July 3 to count a few missing items), if I really do close on July 3, the movements will be made on the June 30 date.
Limit lockers : choose one of the 3 options.
- Then click on Refresh lockers to obtain your lists.
Your lists appear just below :
- If you tick one of the boxes and click on the "+" button, list N°1 will move to the right.
NB : Two other lists are created automatically: List N°2 and List N°3. These two lists will enable you to avoid any omissions, so in List N°2 you'll have all the other racks in your sort and in List N°3 the items without racks.
You can "Add empty stock if stock modified less than", in number of months.
This is if a modification was made a short time ago.
The selected box has been crossed out and the list moved to the right :
- If, on the other hand, you need to tick several boxes to create a single list, this is also possible :
You tick the boxes you want, then press "+", and the list is created on the right :
Once you have chosen your lists, simply click on Create lists.
Your List N°1, 2 and 3 appear in the Counting list :
- Click on List N°1 to open it
- Click on Generate list
A new window appears with two possible options :
The first option allows you to fill the actual quantity with the theoretical quantity by the same value if you tick "Yes", but if you answer "No" the actual quantity will remain to be filled.
The second option simply allows you to keep the quantities already filled or not.
- Click on Validate
The list of items will appear just below, with the actual quantity to be filled in :
When you fill in the actual quantity, the difference is automatically displayed :
If, however, you have omitted "materials" or other items, depending on what you want, it is always possible to add them by hand with "Article to list".
When everything is complete, you can export this information via the buttons at top right : CSV List, CSV Deviations, and also download your count list as a PDF if you click on Preview.
The small screen next to List CSV lets you enlarge the blgCloud page.
You can select the desired columns and export your list as a CSV file, for example :
For the next steps, please go back to the tutorial How can I make my inventory from blgCloud ?