For this example, we will create a credit note for one hour's labor out of a total of 3 hours 25 minutes invoiced.
Go back to the work order and then on the concerned customer invoice, click on “generate a document” then “credit note” :
On a credit note creation window, delete the labor line at 0:25 by clicking on the cross to the right of the line, and change the quantity 3 to 1 hour :
Note that the credit note generated by default will be in “unsent” status, meaning that the credit note hasn’t yet been emailed to your customer :
When everything is in order, click on “save” to create your customer credit note :
The “action” window opens, by default blg suggests reassigning 1 hour of labor, click on “save” :
Reassign the line and select the desired internal transfer :
Click on “save”.
Back to the work order, the credit note has been incremented, the sales lines resold :