1- Setting the eco-contribution in the instance
2- Creation of the eco-contribution tariff
3- Adding of the eco-contribution tariff in the type of need
1- Setting the eco-contribution in the instance
- Creation of the eco-contribution article
Via the Article module click on Create :
Fill in the Supplier and the article reference :
Fill in the information on the article and Save.
(Select the Nature : Eco-contribution)
- Creation of the matching rule
Administration / System / Matching Module
Search and click on “article for invoicing eco-contribution”
Create the Matching rule
Fill in the required information then Save :
(Article : select the article created in the previous steps)
2- Creation of the eco-contribution tariff
Via Contract / Tariff / Type of Need Module
3- Adding of the eco-contribution tariff in the type of need
Via Fleet / Configuration / Type of Need Module
Search the type of need and access the file.
Add the eco-contribution Tariff then click on Save.
When creating a contract the tariff will be automatically added and will appear as a additionnal line.
The eco-contribution is set !