Click on “Contract / Price List / +”
The window displays :
Enter the invoiced article
Suggested this Price on which type of contract
Apply The restrictions on companies
Designation which will be displayed on the contracts
Billing object : day or month
The initial duration is the one of the rental start (usually : 1) then the periodicity (day or month)
Do you want to bill insurance on this tariff ?
Simple = a single tariff ; Tiered = a tariff based on several rental periods.
Tier type (will only be displayed for a month type billing object) : From N due date = no invoicing will start before; Quantity = according to tiers then the target tier will be automatically invoiced; Progressive quantity = invoicing will be from tier to tier.
Simple tariff = set the item to be invoiced; Tiered tariff = set the period then the item to be invoiced.
Automatic = at each billing run, the contract will be billed;
End of contract = the contract will only be invoiced at the end of the contract, even in the case of collective invoicing; Manual = as required.
Generally = 1 month.
Select billing type.
Select whether you are billing due or past due.
If the contract is not terminated, tacit billing will renew the contract from day to day.
Prorata billing : yes = billing will be prorated ; no = any period started is due
For monthly pricing, prorating can be done in calendar or working days (Monday to Friday).
Click on save to validate your tariff.