Go to the Contract module and click on “+”
2. A window appears, and select “Short-term rental” (1)
3. Select the ordering party (2)
4. Possibility of modifying the delivery address by clicking on “edit” (3)
5. Select sales contact (4) and billing contact (5)
6. Select the Contract state (6)
7. Possibility of adding an internal title to the contract (won’t be edited to the customer) (7)
8. Possibility of adding a partner reference (customer order number which will be included in editions) (8)
9.Possibility of adding tags to the contract (9)
10. Select the need (10)
11. Select the rental dates (11) : a window displays, click on the start date then click on the end-date : Automatically the tariff linked to the need display (14)
12. Days worked: click on the days that should be billed, e.g. if we wish to bill all rental Saturdays (12)
13. Add security deposit if applicable (13)
14.Select the tariffs to be applied (14), the selected tariffs bars are displayed (15)
15. Select if insurance is to be charged extra (16)
16.Modify insurance percentage if necessary (17)
17.Select insurance calculation system (18)
18. Add a requirement if necessary (19)
19. Add a comment if necessary
20. Click on "Save"