Welcome to blgCloud !
Here is quick guide to getting started with our suite of applications.
Follow these tips to get the most out of blgCloud and enjoy all its features.
Enjoy ! 😊
How do I got on to blgCloud?
Simply go to our blgCloud site, click on "Connect" in the top right-hand corner and type the name of your instance in the navigation bar.
Please note : the instance name is the one displayed in the url. It must be absolutely identical (watch out for capitalization, hyphens, etc.)
What does my instance's url bar look like?
Your url bar is made up of the name of your instance and the module you're on (example : crm)
By default, the first page is always the list of companies in your CRM.
Let's take blgCloud as an example :
How do I configure my e-mail address?
Configuring your email address allows you to send your quotes, invoices and delivery notes directly from your blgCloud instance. A real time-saver on a daily basis!
To do so, simply go to your blgCloud instance, click on your first name in the top right-hand corner, then on "settings" and add your e-mail account on the right-hand side.
To go further, check out the tutorial there.
You'll find help on setting up your email address here.
How do I change my blgCloud password?
A default password is issued by your administrator, but it's entirely possible to personalize it or change it regularly fot the sake of your account's security.
Nothing could be simple!
As for configuring your e-mail address above, simply click again on your profile in the top righ-hand corner, then on the "Security" tab and click on "Change my password".