The minimum mandatory steps for the proper functioning of your matching rules :
Step 1 : Create a matching rule to Create a general account of Sales and/or Purchases
Step 2 : Create a matching rule to Create a Sales and/or Purchases journal
Step 3 : Sales and/or Purchases invoice line details
Step 4 : Create a matching rule for Contacts
First of all three prerequisites are necessary before creating a matching rule.
NB : It is essential to have the rights in order to go to the Administration module.
Prerequisites :
- The accounting plan must be imported,
- The accounting journals must be created,
- The tax plan must be defined.
To achieve those 3 prerequisites, please go to the Administration module, then Accounting on the left :
Step 1 : Create a matching rule to Create a general account of Sales and/or Purchases
Please go to the Administration module, then System and Matching on the left menu :
NB : The matching rule creation principle for Sales or Purchases remains the same, only the content will change.
Depending on your needs, choose the place where the rule should be created.
- Click on Accounting account on customers invoices in order to add a sales rule for example :
Click on the “+” button to Create a new rule :
- Enter a title matching the desired rule, as below for example.
- Click on the Account menu to list the menu and to choose the account on which the rule should apply.
- Click on Active to make it active.
- If you want, you can Filter the results, if you don’t choose any filter, it means you apply it for everything.
If we retake an invoice where the rule we have just defined should apply, we will be able to see it as below in Accounting :
- If you click on Edit :
You will access this window with two menus : Journal and Account
These two menus correspond to what has been predefined for the rule.
When you expand the menus, choices appear: Redo the matching and View details.
If you change your selection, you can Redo the matching, and so restart the calculation.
NB : You will be able to redo the matching only if the accounting synchronization hasn't been done.
The “View details” button will allow you to check if the calculation was successful.
The button exists for the journal and the account.
If everything is correct, the background will be green, if not red.
The “debug” function is used for developers.
The Journal details :
The Account details :
Step 2 : Create a matching rule to Create a Sales and/or Purchases journal
The principle remains the same as for the first step, you will have to choose from the list : Accounting journal on customer's invoices for example.
To create a new rule, please click on the “+” button at the top left :
- Add a title related to your Journal, in our example Sales
- Add the journal : Sales
- Choose Yes to make the rule active
- Then choose in the scrolling menu on what your rule should apply in order to filter, if you don’t choose anything, the rule will apply everywhere.
Step 3 : Sales and/or Purchases invoice line details
When the first two steps are completed, it is possible to define management rules by Article, for example.
- Click on the Administration module, on the left menu System then Matching below.
- On the right list, choose accounting account on the customer invoice lines.
Then click on the “+” button at the top left to add a new rule :
- Add the Title (Account name as in the example below)
- Add the Account number by typing the first few digits.
- Click on Active to make your rule active.
- Click on Choose a value, in our example we make a rule on Article.
A filter appears after choosing Article.
In our case, it will be an Article of nature Labor
We also add the Contract Family
We would like to indicate the location France.
You will have to add an additional value to the Article : Partner (invoiced company) for a new filter to appear and thus choose the location : France.
If you need to create a rule with another European country, you will have to choose in the Geographic area : Europe - Intra-community area.
NB : For example, if you have two matching rules, one with France and the other with Intra-community area, a specific order is necessary.
It is important to put France first, and after Intra-community area. You must put first the most precise to the most general, otherwise your rule won’t be taken into account.
Step 4 : Create a matching rule for Contacts
A matching rule is also necessary if you invoice on Contacts. In this case, use also the Partner filter (invoiced company) :
See other tutorials about matching rules :