It’s possible to add additional fields on the different objects of the blgCloud application suite : the articles, the material files, opportunities, CRM company records,...
These fields allow you to add more information and can be used in management rules (e.g. : matchings).
To create custom fields, you must have the Administrator rights.
- How to create a custom field ?
- How additional fields appear in my articles ?
- How to use additional fields in matchings ?
1. How to create a custom field ?
To access custom fields, click on the Administration module then on Custom fields :
It is also possible to access custom fields from additional information using the pencil (by passing the mouse over it), whatever the module concerned :
You will then find a shortcut to the custom fields in the Administration to add fields or to modify them.
Back in Administration / Custom fields, you will arrive on a list corresponding to the places / objects where you can add additional fields :
Depending on your needs, you will have to go to the corresponding element.
For example, I want to add additional fields on items.
I click on article, then on the “+” to add a group (or “file” of additional fields) :
I create a group Size.
I can then define a conditional display, meaning displaying rules for this field to appear only under specific terms. For example, I want the custom fields group “Size” to be only visible and available in the Articles having the Clothing family.
I click on Save, and I can see my created group :
Now that my group is created, I will add fields to this group.
To add fields, I first click on the “+” :
The minimum information to add are those with an asterisk :
- The title : The field’s title
- The type : Several types are available ( choice with multiple selection, link, number with unit of measure,...).
- The group : The group in which the field has to be displayed
- Always display : If you want this field to always be proposed when creating the object
- Always display the group : If you want the group to be displayed.
- Not visible in reading mode : The field won’t be visible on consultation files, but only on the editing view of additional information.
- Display in the filter “Other” : it will be added in the filter bar via the field “Other”, and it will be possible to search on this data.
- Public : Information everyone can see
- Field displaying term : If you want your field to be displayed only in some cases.
I click on Next :
I chose the Type : Multiple choices, therefore I have to add the choices available in the additional information from my articles, with a possible selection of several choices among those of the scrolling menu.
There are two options to choose from :
- Static list : you enter yourself the information about your future list.
- Dynamic list : notably used for the methods list or payment terms list. Please contact us on the chat if you need any help.
I choose static choice list and I click on Add a choice :
I add a size, save and repeat to add other sizes :
This way, I get this result when I add all my sizes :
I click on Finish to end.
2. How do the additional fields appear on my items (or other objects) ?
I go to one of my concerned articles and I click on the pencil :
I find in this window what I have configured :
I choose a size and save.
When I go back to the article, I can see that the size is indicated :
This example focuses on the articles, but the method remains the same for all custom fields.
3. How to use additional fields in the matchings ?
Additional fields can also be interesting if you want to add accounting information to your CRM files.
For example : I add the methods and the payment methods to my CRM files.
When this step is done, you can use this information for your invoices, thanks to the matchings in the Administration / Matchings module.
Indeed, instead of adding a tag to your customer’s CRM file, you can retrieve the custom fields’ information.
Example : I added my payment method list in the additional information.
Therefore, I will add my matching in Administration > Matching by choosing Payment method on customer’s invoices.
I open one of my rules, for instance Check :
I fill in :
- The title
- The payment method
- The partner (invoiced company) in order to have the filters concerning the customer, and it is here that I add in the filter : Other, the payment method involved, so for this rule it’s Check.
It has to be done for each payment method, you can do the same for the payment terms.
Thus, when I create an invoice on this customer, whose the payment method is filled in my additional information on his CRM file, I will automatically have Check indicated at the time of the invoice creation :
Besides, if you click on Check, you can see it’s a matching because you can see the details and redo it if necessary.