You have created a sales document of type "store parts" or a work order, and the stock of one of the items is not available on your database.
blgCloud indicates "other stock". Click on "other stock" to see where the stock is located so that you can create a stock transfer request :
You have stock visibility on all your bases, select the source depot by clicking on "create a transfer request" :
The transfer request window opens, the source depot and destination are displayed, select the "store" transfer type and then select the notification recipient.
The "reservation for this order" will be equal to the article quantity in your sales document.
For this example, in addition to the sales requirement, we request 2 additional items for stock from the "to order for stock" field, then click "save" to validate your transfer request :
Back to your sales document, your item is now "in request" and the transfer request incremented :
The holder or owner of the part has validated your transfer request. Go back to your sales document. The status of your transfer request has been accepted, and the logistics form "in delivery" as well as the purchase and sales invoices have been incremented (only if transfer between two different entities/companies) :
The parts linked to your transfer request have been delivered. Go back to your sale and click on the "in delivery" logistic form :
On your logistic form, click on its state to change it to "delivered" :
Back on your sales document, your part has been received and is now available for customer sale. You can check stock movements from the item file by clicking on "access the item" :
On the item file, blgCloud displays your new base stock, displays the entry in stock for stock and the one linked to the customer sale :