Dashboards allow different values to be brought together, grouped according to what you want to display, in order to analyze the data. There are several options for these dashboards. The creation process first involves creating the dashboard and then the various widgets that will make it up.
In this tutorial, we will go over the creation of the dashboard and the widget in its entirety.
For the sake of efficiency, the abbreviation ‘db’ will be used to refer to the dashboard.
1. Dashboards
a - Create the dashboard
b - Dashboard layout
c - Manage the dashboard (sharing, ownership transfer, etc.)
2. Widgets
a - Choose your widget
b - Widget configuration
c - Widget display
1. Dashboards
a - Create the dashboard
To create a dashboard, you must first go to the module with the same name. A default dashboard is available within it. Then, simply click on the "+" button next to it to create your first dashboard.
In the small window that opens, you just need to fill in the different information.
The 'title' will be visible in the dashboard tab. It is recommended to use a short title to avoid increasing the tab's size.
The 'type' is currently unique.
The 'layout' allows you to set the display for all the widgets that will be in the dashboard. You have several options to choose from. In this tutorial, we will select the default display, which is '100' (meaning a single aligned dashboard. '50' corresponds to two dashboards side by side, '25' to four dashboards side by side, and so on).
b - Dashboard layout
The dashboard layout simply involves choosing the number of widgets that will be displayed per row. You can display just one, or even 2, 3, or 4, with different sizes (always based on a percentage of the page).
c - Manage the dashboard (sharing, ownership transfer, etc.)
Once the dashboard is created, several options are available to you:
- 1. Customize the dashboard: Allows you to modify the dashboard information, which corresponds to the creation details.
- 2. Delete the dashboard: Allows you to permanently delete a dashboard and all its components (If the dashboard is shared, deletion will not be possible. You can only delete a dashboard that belongs to you.).
- 3. Share the dashboard: Allows you to share the dashboard. Two options are available: either share the dashboard with users or with groups of users. In the first case, the dashboard will be shared with the specified individual(s), and in the second, with everyone who is part of that user group (permission group, available in the "users" section of administration.).
- 4. Change owner: Allows you to transfer the ownership of a dashboard to another user. Note: If you transfer ownership, you will no longer have access to it until the recipient shares it back with you.
- 5. Widget addition option: Allows for the creation of widgets. The old interface is still available, but the choices are limited, and it will eventually be removed. It is also possible to import an existing widget to copy it to another profile, another instance, or another dashboard (We will cover this during the widget creation process.).
2. Widgets
a - Choose your widget
The creation of a widget primarily involves choosing what you want, that is, selecting your widget. There is a wide variety of widgets, ranging from sales reporting to widgets on item stock.
Here you will find a comprehensive list of all existing widgets, along with a description of each.
b - Widget configuration
To create a widget, you first need to click on the "+", which allows you to create one. We will choose to 'Add a widget (new interface)':
A widget creation window then opens:
- Legal entity :
In the case where you have multiple legal entities, and if they have been created in advance in BLG, it is possible to select only one of your entities so that the dashboard only takes the information relevant to it. This is ideal in the case of a multi-entity instance.
- Périod :
The period field allows you to add the period to be analyzed. It enables you to choose a base period and thus determine the relevant period for the information that will be retrieved by the widget.
First, you need to select the field to which the period filter will apply. In our case, we will base it on the creation date of the related document (thus the first choice).
You also have the option to choose the period to be analyzed. By default, the widget is configured for '1 Year.' However, there are more options available (Days, Months, Weeks). Additionally, you can change the quantity.
In our example, we will choose to analyze over 6 months :
You can then choose the start or end date for the analysis.
We have chosen to base it on the creation date of the document, with an analysis period of 6 months. Therefore, it is possible to determine when these 6 months begin or end. Several options are available.
In our example, we will base it on an analysis date at the beginning of the semester.
It is also possible to set up a 'shift' for the start of the analysis. This allows for truly customized dates.
For example, if we want an analysis on the 15th of the month, we can choose a shift of 15 days. Note that a negative value can also be used, allowing for a prior date.
Example: If I choose an analysis date of September 1st, with a shift of 5 days, it will set the analysis date starting from September 6th. With a shift of -5 days, it would then start from August 26th.
It is also possible to choose a comparative period. If you want to compare this year's figures with the previous year, for example, simply check the comparison box and indicate '1 Year.'
On the right side of the modification window, you have a simulation based on today's date, which you can modify, along with the analyzed periods according to the chosen parameters.
Once satisfied, simply save ✅
- Title :
By default, the name of the reporting is set as the title of the widget. However, it is possible to choose a different one.
- Axes (Columns and Rows)
Knowing that we have a two-entry table, we need to determine how the values we choose will be grouped and what information we want to retrieve.
We need to choose rows and columns for our table (the same applies to graphs or other types of dashboards).
There are different axes that can be displayed, all grouped under 'objects,' depending on the source of the information.
As a reminder, BLG is a set of objects linked to each other (for example: Sales documents are linked to sales lines, invoices, logistics slips, CRM records, etc.).
Therefore, it is essential to choose the most relevant axes for display, and especially to choose them within the correct object.
In our example, we want to retrieve information on sales document lines.
We can use the creation date of the order as the column axis. Additionally, we can add the order giver of the document (the customer) in the row axis to potentially create a 'scoring' of the best customers.
This is what we will do here :
Once the field is selected, you can click on 'Next' at the bottom of the page. A small configuration window will open, indicating how the information will be displayed. For all 'Date' fields, like here, there are several possible display options. It's up to you to choose the one that suits you best.
It is possible to add multiple axes to the same sector. A row or column can have several axes, allowing for better separation of elements. Just click on 'Add an axis' to add as many as you wish (be careful, use it sparingly).
Once this information is completed, we will tackle the most important part of the widget, namely 'Values.'
- Values :
The values represent the figures that are taken from the various documents and will therefore serve as the basis for what we want to display. Depending on the widgets, there are different possible values. In our case, we will only take the values relevant for calculating revenue, such as the aptly named 'Revenue Excluding Tax' (CA HT), along with the fields related to margin, both in value and percentage.
- Additional filters
You can add filters, in order to only take certain type of document, or only on certain clients. We can use this filter for example, only take into account sales documents in certain statuses (to exclude what is not billed, quotations, etc.). This filter works like all filters in the different blg modules (As a reminder, you can remove elements by clicking on "sans" at the top right of the filter in question.).
This is what we will do in our example :
It is possible, in the display, to show only a certain number of rows (very useful in cases where you want, for example, to have a list of your top 100 customers!).
Once you have made your settings, two options are available to you. You can 'Preview' your widget, which will display it on your right but without saving it.
If everything is okay for you, all that's left to do is save.
c - Widget display
Once your widget is saved, it will appear in your dashboard. Several actions can then be performed on it:
1. Period: Here, the dates considered for the widget's period are displayed (depending on what has been configured in the widget's settings). Here, we chose an analysis over one year, with a comparison to the previous year.
The buttons on the left allow you to navigate between different periods. However, be careful, as this will always depend on the analysis period. For example, if we take an analysis period of one year, clicking the left arrow will shift the analysis by one year (or by one month if the analysis period is one month)
2. Quick filter: Allows you to temporarily modify the widget's filters. You can change the legal entity being considered (in the case of a multi-company setup), as well as some other filters.
3. Widget tools: Several tools are available.
Widget configuration: Allows you to modify what has been configured on the widget, such as the different axes. Note: Once the widget is saved during creation, the model and type of dashboard can no longer be modified.
Widget copy tools: Allows you to copy the widget. It is 'copied' to your computer's clipboard. With this option, you have the ability to quickly recreate the widget using the button mentioned above, 'Import widget from clipboard,' as a reminder of the widget creation process.
Finally, the export of the widget: Simply allows you to export the widget from the dashboard.
It is also possible to delete a widget simply by clicking on the small cross in the top right corner:
There you go, your widget has been created, and you know how to manage it!😃